How to import Modelstore using Power shell script

I have recently went through a blog post on importing modelstore to AX 2012 R3 Following is the sample script to automate model store deployment. import-module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\ManagementUtilities\Microsoft.Dynamics.ManagementUtilities.ps1” #region Variables $sourceserver = “AZ1AXDB-2” $targetserver = “AZ1AXDB-2” $sourcedb = “AXDB_AZ1AXDEV5_model” $targetdb = “AXDB_AZ1AXDEV5_model” $modelstorepath = “c:\Modelstores\” #endregion #region Work $dte = get-date -format s […]

AX Model Export, Import and AxBuild using Batch Files

Hello guys,I had faced lot of issues during AX deployments.I had to automate some of these repeated works For example you want to deploy models across multiple azure virtual machines with AX Test, Development and know the code to deploy model is pretty straight forward and also need to compile objects at the end using AXBuild tool. I knew […]